Addiction is known to be a psychological disorder which is no respecter of persons, status, colour and the likes. Addiction is commonly known to be an obsessive attraction which makes one drawn to a particular activity, irrespective of the fact that the outcome could either be good or bad.
These activities can be carried out without the individual being addicted to them. However, it gets worse when it becomes a habit.
Taking a look at performing artists, they are public individuals who perform on stage or probably media platforms.
While they are displaying their talents and skills, there is this major goal to showcase their emotions and feelings, while giving their audience the best of entertainment.
There are a good number of reasons why performing artists get addicted, one of which is, the desire to be known.
Everyone loves attention, and it is very normal for us humans. Artists are most likely to link up with the big guns in the society, and there is this innate desire to get to the top, hence, they would be keen on stepping up their game.
Most artists usually do not feel at ease when they are performing. Hence, they would take drugs before going on stage, so that their performance can be enhanced. This is done in a bid to provide satisfaction to the requirements of the industry.
In addition to this, there is always the desire to get famous and rich. No one desires poverty, as everyone would like to be in places of leadership and power as well. Hence, it can be said that the performance of an artist is a huge determinant in whether he would get rich quick or not.
Also, some performing artists do not have confidence in themselves. At times, there is this huge pressure which comes on them when they are in front of a large crowd. Hence, they would take certain substances which would help to boost their confidence, and also step-up their performance as well.
When there is a constant reason for performing artists to remain addicted, they would continue taking those substances and indulging in those acts, and eventually get addicted to them.