Signs that a performing artiste is stressed

Everyone experiences stress at different points in their lives. The truth is, we would continue to experience stress even when we are not doing anything.

To combat stress, the hack is to put in some strategies that would help you deal with stress.

Performing artistes are not left out when it comes to stress. These creatives are more likely to experience stress at a fast rate because of the undue pressure they face.

Many skilled and gifted performing artistes are under pressure to perform and entertain their audience.

When they don’t perform as expected, they face lots of backlash and criticism which can force them to draw into their shells.

Many fans don’t care about how their favorite creative performs, provided they can satisfy their needs, they are good to go.

Performing artistes need to always watch out for themselves especially when it comes to stress. This is important in preventing possible health problems associated with stress.

Here are some of the signs of stress in a performing artiste

Emotional symptoms

One of the ways to know when a performing artiste is stressed is when they are always moody and frustrated.

On some occasions, they will feel overwhelmed and out of control. Other emotional symptoms are avoiding public places, low self-esteem, difficulty when relaxing, etc.

Physical symptoms

Some of the physical symptoms of stress in performing artistes are headaches, low energy, upset stomach, insomnia, colds and infections, and aches.

Other symptoms include dry mouth, loss of sexual desire, nervousness, chest pain, etc.

Behavioral symptoms

The common behavioral symptoms in performing artistes are procrastination, loss of appetite, use of drugs and alcohol, gambling, etc.

When you experience stress, it is normal because it is part of life. However, if your stress becomes chronic, it can cause some grave health problems.

Therefore, it is important to seek help from a mental health counselor. You will be able to figure out some healthy ways that can help you manage different stressors.

Mental health counseling for performing artistes

When it comes to entertainment, one of the sets of people we look up to is performing artistes. We love their artistic prowess and delivery, but most times, we don’t know what they go through to satisfy us.

Performing artistes face a lot of challenges in their craft because they are always under the pressure to deliver.

Therefore, no matter how gifted or skilled they are, they still need to practice hard to satisfy their fans and critics.

The pressure that performing artistes faces messes with their mental health. Hence, they need mental health counseling to help them pull through difficult moments.

Here are some of the features of mental health counseling for performing artistes


Performing artistes can leverage individual and group therapies to handle mental health challenges that will help them handle negative emotions.

These therapies can boost positive emotions, and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

Self Care

Mental health counseling is another opportunity for performing artistes to practice self-care. Hence, they can take some time off their craft to focus on themselves.

Performing artistes need to realize that there would always be pressure to perform. Therefore, if they keep listening to what people say, it can affect their mental health.

Social support

Another feature that comes with mental health counseling is social support. If you are going through a difficult time as a performing artiste, getting social support is a great choice.

This is the period where the mental health counselor helps you to bond with your loved ones that truly care about you.

Additionally, you can attend individual and group sessions where you listen to the stories of other creatives like you.

If you are experiencing mental health problems, it is important to reach out to a mental health counselor to kickstart your journey to wellness and vitality.

Once you reach out to a qualified therapist, they will create a specialized treatment plan that will restore your mental health in no time.


One of the most important features in the life of performing artistes that they need to take seriously, is a counseling feature.

Without a counselor, a performing artiste might not be able to adequately handle the pressures that comes with their status.

Performing artistes are craftsmen who are expected to always deliver the same or a higher level of value to their audience.

The failure to do this would result in a backlash from their fans who are unsatisfied with the quality of their craft for that moment. Now, the reaction of the performing artiste to this backlash determines how smooth their careers would go.

There are some artistes that do not mind what people say, while there are others that take it to heart. The latter individuals are those who need special counseling attention.

They need a professional who would constantly remind them of the fact that humans are innately insatiable, and it would be difficult to fully satisfy everyone.

In addition, performing artistes go through a lot of stress and it sometimes affect the state of their mental health.

With a counselor in the picture, this stress would be effortlessly dealt with because, the counselor would give the performing artiste proficient coping skills that would help them deal with stress.

Also, the counselor is there to prevent the performing artiste from getting addicted to substances.

It is a common sight for you to see performing artistes who take either drugs, alcohol or the both of them. And it affects their physical and mental health in the process.

For a performing artiste who is addicted, there is no harm in seeing a counselor because he would help you defeat the addiction. And if your mental health is on a low ebb, you still need a counselor by your side to help you bring your mental health back on track.

Every performing artiste needs to take the visit to a mental health counselor serious because it is what constitutes how successful their career would be.


Being conscious of our mood, thoughts and emotions is important because if we are not careful, the overwhelming effects of stress can have a negative toll on us. And this is particularly important for performing artistes.

Treating stress effectively is one of the best ways to living a healthy life, and the earlier this is realized, the better.

Performing artistes have a lot to deal with because their practice requires the public to judge and if it is great, they are compensated for it. Hence, performing artistes are usually under a lot of pressure to perform optimally to remain in the favor of their fans.

To begin with, performing artistes need to know the right time to recharge their batteries. They need to understand that it is vital to give their art some break, on some occasions. It is not bad staying away from the keyboard or the music studio for three days because you want to relax.

You need to understand that there are other aspects of your life that need good attention, and neglecting them might result in unpleasant surprises in the future.

Recharging your batteries is one of the best ways to get your body and brain back into a great shape that would even make your career profound.

In addition, performing artistes need to take their diet seriously. A good diet is important for the performing artiste to deal with stress, and it is a much better option than relying on processed foods that have too much fats and sugar content.

Performing artistes need to know that dealing with stress is not done effectively with alcohol and drugs. As a matter of fact, the effects that drugs and alcohol come with are short-lived and in due time, the individual would request more of those substances.

To wrap it up, performing artistes need to take their exercise routines seriously, because it is one of the major ways to keep their bodies in great shape and build a good immune system.


Performing artistes are people who have chosen this career path which is correctly viewed as a path for a creative.

So, because they are doing what they love, you can expect that they would spend countless hours trying to perfect their act.

Now, bearing in mind that no one is invincible, there are times when performing artistes would need to take a break and refresh themselves.

Taking a break from work is important in order to give you a fresh new perspective on your career, and it is important to do this on a regular basis.

One essential tip that performing artistes need to integrate into their career, is maintaining a healthy diet.

They should make sure that they eat on a regular basis. They should also take more of fruits than snack in between meals. Also, water is very important, and it is necessary to remain hydrated by taking lots of water.

Another tip is to ensure their batteries are recharged. One way to achieve this is to make sure they catch enough sleep.

On a daily basis, a performing act should sleep between 7-8hours per day. There should also be times when they take breaks from their phone.

Closely related to this, is by ensuring that they exercise regularly. This is one feature that performing acts have not factored into their schedule.

Regular exercise helps you to release endorphins. This would help you deal effectively with stress and ensure you have a better sleep.

It is also best to keep away from substances like alcohol, coffee and hard drugs. The last thing a performing artiste needs is being addicted to any of these and even more.

Once addiction sets in, it would be difficult to restore the individual’s health to normalcy.

To wrap it up, it is important that from time to time, you find something entirely different to do other than anything related to your job as a performer.

So, even though you love acting, it is essential to take your mind off it at some point.


Only few people can identify with the kind of lifestyle that performing artistes live. What they basically do for a living is to get on stage, and perform, thereby keeping the audience either amused or entertained.

Achieving this is usually herculean and this is why they spend countless hours rehearsing so that their performance can come out as projected.

Performing artistes live lives that are very challenging. Often times, they have to deal with mental health problems like anxiety, depression and the likes.

As a matter of fact, it is correct to say that, they are the set of people who are more prone to mental health problems than a good number of other people.

Usually, performing artistes encounter addiction during the course of seeking ways to handle stress and stage fright. It is not easy having to face a large crowd of people and entertain them.

Therefore, some performing artistes would take some substances that would help them achieve this. Based on studies, performing artistes are addicted to drugs and alcohol most of the times.

One of the ways of preventing performing artistes from being addicted, is to integrate the counseling factor into their industry.

This set of people would not readily open up to their family and friends concerning what they are facing. So, they would readily keep to themselves or receive ill-advice from fellow acts.

However, once there is a counseling unit is in place, it would come in handy for their overall mental health treatment. They would be able to thrive effectively in their career without any hindrances.

Another way is getting the audience to appreciate performing acts even if their presentation is not really top-notch.

Performing acts are usually faced with lots of criticisms, and this makes it impossible for some of them to remain afloat. They need all the support they can get so that they can thrive to do better.

Performing acts are advised that when it looks like they are struggling with their mental health, they should reach out for help from the right quarters.


Addiction is known to be a psychological disorder which is no respecter of persons, status, colour and the likes. Addiction is commonly known to be an obsessive attraction which makes one drawn to a particular activity, irrespective of the fact that the outcome could either be good or bad.

These activities can be carried out without the individual being addicted to them. However, it gets worse when it becomes a habit.

Taking a look at performing artists, they are public individuals who perform on stage or probably media platforms.

While they are displaying their talents and skills, there is this major goal to showcase their emotions and feelings, while giving their audience the best of entertainment.

There are a good number of reasons why performing artists get addicted, one of which is, the desire to be known.

Everyone loves attention, and it is very normal for us humans. Artists are most likely to link up with the big guns in the society, and there is this innate desire to get to the top, hence, they would be keen on stepping up their game.

Most artists usually do not feel at ease when they are performing. Hence, they would take drugs before going on stage, so that their performance can be enhanced. This is done in a bid to provide satisfaction to the requirements of the industry.

In addition to this, there is always the desire to get famous and rich. No one desires poverty, as everyone would like to be in places of leadership and power as well. Hence, it can be said that the performance of an artist is a huge determinant in whether he would get rich quick or not.

Also, some performing artists do not have confidence in themselves. At times, there is this huge pressure which comes on them when they are in front of a large crowd. Hence, they would take certain substances which would help to boost their confidence, and also step-up their performance as well.

When there is a constant reason for performing artists to remain addicted, they would continue taking those substances and indulging in those acts, and eventually get addicted to them.

Creativity & Addiction In The Performing Arts

Creativity can be quite beneficial as it is oftentimes used in that of addiction recovery. Yet even so, the need to obtain creativity—after it has slipped away, out of reach—can bring about a whole new problem, centered around substance abuse. In turn, this may cause one to place blame on creativity, or the creator himself/herself, rather than looking at the reason behind/for his/her addiction. The biggest consequence of this is that, creativity can pose as an advantage—or a disadvantage—depending on whether or not the creator holds creativity, or whether creativity holds the creator.

First and foremost are the advantages that come through creativity, which can help performing artists who are struggling with addiction rediscover their passion in a healthy—drug and alcohol free—way. For, it is through the performing arts (which is defined as, “forms of creative activity that are performed in front of an audience, such as drama, music, and dance”) that one can better express—what they are not yet ready to verbalize—through various approaches such as; art therapy, music therapy, etc.

Art therapy is “a form of psychotherapy involving the encouragement of free self-expression through painting, drawing, or modeling, used as a remedial activity or an aid to diagnosis”, while music therapy is “the prescribed use of music to restore, maintain, and improve emotional, physical, physiological, and spiritual health and well-being”. It is through these two therapeutic exercises, among a number of others, that performers—and/or addicts as a whole—can be restored to their former selves, as each helps them to process their feelings in a healthy way.

In contrast, creativity can also pose as a disadvantage if the creator begins to let it rule their life to the point of addiction. For, he/she may begin to grow frustrated by the inability to express what he/she is feeling efficiently, and may become even more upset if he/she has little to no inspiration. In response to such, he/she then finds himself/herself using because he/she finds that he/she likes the way it makes him/her feel, and in turn lets his/her addiction to creativity create an outlet to addiction in other areas of his/her life.

In conclusion, creativity is what the the creator makes it to be. It can either become one’s downfall if he/she begins to crave it after it has gone astray—and in place of such begins to use. Or, it can be used as a healthy outlet for anyone who is able to see it as such—without addiction to obstruct his/her view. That’s why individuals who find themselves—and/or feel as though—they are falling into addiction, must seek help, so that they may not only rediscover their creativity, but rediscover themselves. For oftentimes, what lies deep beneath the surface of the person who is struggling serves as the root of addiction, rather than creativity itself.